I like the wedding with the national spirit and respect for tradition. February wedding of these guys were planned with great care and attention to detail. The guys knew the guests from different parts of the world, from Canada and Israel to Siberia were going to come to their wedding. In my opinion, it was the perfect celebration for the couple themselves and their big family. Bridal getting ready were in a luxurious hotel “Ukraine”. While in Moscow, at first glance there are quite a lote nice hotels for the bride’s getting ready, but in terms of price / quality / location, leading, of course, the hotel “Ukraine” is a leader. Being in the center of Moscow, this hotel is an ideal place for a bride morning and at the same time it is a beautiful location for a photo shooting in inclement winter weather. Registered marriages guys in the Wedding Palace № 1 “Griboyedovsky.” The banquet was held in the cozy restaurant “Seasons” in Gorky’s Park.” The whole night we did not get tired to laugh at jokes of stunning entertainer and radio host on “Comedy Radio” Michael Belyanin.