It’s always a pleasure and joy when the family keep and follow the wedding traditions. I would photograph any wedding in national costumes, with the rites and traditions anywhere in the world on special conditions. And here it is the traditional Buryat wedding. The day began with bride and groom’s getting ready. Unusually it took place in the traditional Buryat round house – yurt with a very beautiful light. Sergey and Bayarma dressed in national Buryat gowns and jewelry. Bridesmaids braided a plait to Bayarma. Then there was the rite of the meeting of two families – tamizha, where the groom, bride and their parents exchanged silk scarves – Hadak. Next, the groom puts the bride riding a camel and they went to inspect their property land. It is interesting to note that the couple live in traditional houses – the yurts on the territory of ethnopark «Kochevnik» permanently during a year, where the only one in Moscow camel farm is located. Here you can get acquainted with the housing and the way of life of indigenous peoples of the north and to know the numerous animals nomads. After a round of honor through the lands of the groom there was the rite of invitation the bride to the groom’s house – Bury orluulha, where the groom made the first fire at the new family home – yurt. Girlfriends and sisters of Bayarmy unbraided one plait and braided two ones from it as a sign that from now Bayarma has become part of Sergey’s family. Newlyweds accepted gifts from the guests and watched performances by local bands of traditional Buryat songs and dance. The evening ended with refreshments of Buryat national cuisine, traditional games and pastimes.